If you are looking to purchase a dog that has a pedigree line from a breeder, it is important that you use a responsible breeder who treats their dogs humanly and who takes responsibility for the placement of all of their puppies. Here are three signs that you should look for that will indicate if the breeder you want to work with is responsible or not.
#1 Encourages You To Bond With The Puppy
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Canine teeth both look and function different from human teeth, but the steps that you would take to care for them aren't that dissimilar. Unlike humans, dogs can't tell you when they're experiencing a toothache or even when they feel a piece of food stuck between their teeth. If you read up on these five simple ways to keep your dog's teeth clean, you will be able to protect your dog's oral health with ease.
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Dogs love going on walks, so it seems natural that they'd make perfect hiking companions. However, you can increase the odds of a safe and pleasant hike for you and your pet by following these safety tips.
1. Make sure your dog is wearing ID tags. Losing your dog on a hike is a worst-case scenario, but be prepared for that possibility by making sure he's wearing up-to-date ID tags. If you're away from home and staying in a hotel or campground, putting that information on a tag can help you get reunited with you dog as quickly as possible.
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If you take part in regular agility training and competitions with your dog, you are probably already more familiar with canine health than most dog owners. But when your pet is wiped out after a long day running through obstacles or develops a soft-tissue injury, you may feel powerless to help your furry friend make a faster recovery. Cold laser therapy has long been used to treat equine athletes, and it is now seeing increasing popularity among canine sports enthusiasts as well.
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Does your cat seem to be scratching or itching his ears more than normal? Perhaps he shakes his head, is losing hair around his ears, or has scabs in or around his ears. These are all symptoms of ear mites, an annoying pest that can take up residence in your cat's ears. Read on to learn more about ear mite infestations in cats and what you can do about them.
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