When Human Toothpaste Isn't An Option, What's A Cat To Do About Oral Health?

18 March 2015
 Categories: , Blog


Brushing your cat's teeth with a human toothbrush and toothpaste is a silly image to conjure up, not to mention impossible in reality. Since using actual toothpaste could be harmful to your cat's health (considering that they won't be able to spit and will only swallow), using human methods of staying on top of healthy teeth and gums simply isn't possible. Unfortunately, felines can still encounter many of the problems their human counterparts can, including painful tooth decay and even eventual tooth loss that would make it hard to devour their food. Getting a better idea of the signs your cat's body may display to indicate that there's an oral emergency is important, as is knowing how to proactively fight decay in your pet's mouth. When human toothpaste isn't an option and speaking up about a toothache isn't possible, what's best for your cat's oral health -- and how can you tell if a problem is forming?

Bad Breath

It's not uncommon for a cat to have bad breath -- after all, they're known for eating foods that include fish and other meats, so it's normal for your pet to have a fishy odor coming from it's mouth. If the smell seems to get stronger or out of control, it's possible that the halitosis could be a result of a periodontal disease or tooth problem. Since it could be an indicator of something worse than bad breath, be sure to talk to a vet like those at the Elizabethton Veterinary Clinic as soon as possible if the condition seems to be out of the ordinary.

Visual Inspection

It might seem simple, but taking a quick look inside your pet's mouth to inspect their gums can help to immediately provide an answer to whether or not there is an oral issue. Normally, a healthy cat should have pink gums -- but other colors can indicate a problem, from sickness and blood loss to liver disease.

Fishy Toothpaste

While you might not be familiar with the idea, toothpaste for cats not only exists but can also be a vital part of the fight against feline tooth decay. Remember that human toothpaste, which contains fluoride, will make your pet extremely sick-- so stick to toothpaste specifically created for oral cat health. Available in flavors like seafood, beef, and chicken, cat toothpaste can be found through your veterinarian or local pet store. Using a human toothbrush (even one for a child) is out of the question, so follow your vet's instructions for application carefully (likely using either gauze or a specially designed feline toothbrush) to get the job done.